Track your staff attendance:In/Out - Employee can mark their own attendance once they are in the office with their selfies.Attendance Status - Details about team member presence.Attendance Report - User ClockedIn and Clocked out data.Apply leave - Prior leave can be applied.Holiday Info - Office holidays for the current year.Leave Status - Progress of leave applied.Track Expense details:Track expense of each staffSplit Transaction and record each transaction with different catagory and amount.As a bussinessman, you don’t have to worry about keeping a register to record your employee details.With Auslog app, you can easily make a note of Attendance & Expanse details on your device itself.Track your Staff/Employee Attendance: Keep track of employee attendance by punch-in and punch-out and GPS-based employee tracking.Automatically calculate the number of working days. Employee can apply their leave prior & gain their leave status like pending or approved with no hassle.You can mark present,absent,leave,etc.Tracking your Staff/Employee Expanse: You can easily manage the expenditure of employee by detailed report.Send Reminders & Notifications: Auslog app sends automated SMS reminders to your employee about daily attendance.What’s NewWe heared you! We are now launching AusLog app to give you a profession way to manage the staff: - Assign an admin to manage your business on behalf of you. -Seamlessly switch between Admin & Staff profile. -Monitor Attendance & Expanse details at-a-time. AusLog app is easy to use and its useful features will help you maintain records of your employee attendance,expanse & work activity with more ease.Now you can confidently go digital with Auslog.